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731 - Ayudar reborde de la pared

Se usa junto con Interclamp® 725 para terminar el pasamanos cuidadosamente en la pared.

nótese bien Este artículo no es adecuado para la conexión directa a tubos o accesorios que no sean del tipo 725.

Consulte Interclamp® 131 para unir el tubo directamente a una pared.

Used in conjunction with Interclamp® 725 to terminate handrail neatly into wall.

N.B. This item is not suitable for direct connection to tube or fittings other than type 725.

Please refer to Interclamp® 131 to join tube directly to a wall.

De datos del producto y dimensiones

Tamaño a (mm) b (mm) c (mm) Peso (kg) Box Qty*
  C42   32   63   82   0.33   96

* Fittings are sold individually and do not need to be bought in box quantities. Box quantities may be subject to change without prior notice.

Figures given as guidance only, dimensions and weights are subject to manfacturing tolerances and may be altered without prior notice.

Do not perform any pre-drilling, tube cutting, casting uprights or any other dimensionally critical processes prior to receiving fittings.

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